28 Feb–1 Mar 2026 339 days to go! #BostonRunShow

Jenny Thurber

I grew up in NJ and have always loved running. I started running short distances until my early 20s and then found a love for half marathons. They are my favorite but, I do enjoy running 5ks and 10ks as well. Running has become one of my passions and also helped me find an amazing community. It just made me want to be more involved whether that is signing up for a race, volunteering at races or just going out there and supporting other runners. Don’t get me wrong, you can have some bad days, but when you get that runner high, you just want to keep on going, so that is why I continue to run. A few races that I have run recently have been the BAA 5k on the Dana Farber Team in honor of my sister, Vermont 10 miler, Ocean State Narragansett Half.

One last thing I love about running it doesn’t matter how old you get or what is going on in your life, it is always there for you.