Over two days, you will see a wide range of speakers and celebrities as part of an unmissable programme of live sessions. Full program details will be available in due course.
Boston Run Show Speakers

Alex Hermanson

Des Linden

Dylan Bowman

Laz Lake

Meb Keflezighi

Alex Cyr

Dave McGillivray

Debbie Tupper

Dena Lewis

George Degen

Jason Fowler

Jeff Booher

Katelyn Tocci

Kelly Roberts

Kim Levinsky

Lindsey Thorne-Bingham

Liz Derstine

Lorna Campbell
B.A.A. Head of Public Relations

Louis Serafini

Melissa Cornejo

Michael Doughty

Michael Doyle

Mike Bednaz

Nancy Hobbs

Nicole Armbrust

Raya Usher

Sarah Dupré Healy

Scot DeDeo

Soj Jibowu

Susan Clayton

Tamara Mekler

Tina Muir

Tom Hooper